Profit First Coach

Fix This Next Coach

One Page Business Plan Certified

SCORE Mentor
Who Is Annette de Lancey?
Annette is a career entrepreneur (her 5th business) and a manufacturer. Not just any manufacturer but a woman manufacturer, based in California, with manufacturing in the US. But, she's from Minnesota.
She experienced abysmal, scary valleys (she calls some of the darkest valleys, "the abyss of biz" say it out loud... fun to say but horrible to go through) and unbelievable peaks with her 15 year-old, manufacturing company, CastCoverz!, www.CastCoverz.com an international orthopedic softgoods company.
CastCoverz! is not her third child, but her twin. :) Speaking of children the inspiration for CastCoverz! came from her then 10-year-old daughter who broke her 6th (yes, her 6th!!) broken bone. The name of CastCoverz! came from her son.
Annette is mom to two outstanding young adults and grandma to her first grandbaby! She loves traveling, camping, trucks, and the golf course (she's trying to get back on it rather than just looking at it). :)

Why "She Makes Products"?
Other than her faith, her children, grandson, and business are Annette's passions.
Her beloved Dad a self-made, ethical, successful business owner inspired her. He is undeniably her biggest cheerleader. Sadly, he passed May of 2021. She honors his memory with passing on what he taught her to others.
Annette is proud to be a manufacturer and wants others to feel that pride and passion, too. She has helped many women through the manufacturing process and wants to reach and teach many more!

Want to Know More?
Great! Fill out our Contact Form on the Contact page or email Annette at:
Ask for a conversation and get your questions ready. You can have a no-obligation, confidential 30-minute ZOOM (or phone) call with her.
Have pen and paper handy...she'll give you ideas, resources, and things you can do RIGHT NOW to change the trajectory of your business. What's stopping you? Take that first step!
"Behind every great product is a powerful brand and a profitable business." - Annette de Lancey