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Annette de Lancey, CEO of CastCoverz! and She Makes Products, Now A Profit First Certified Professional

business coach product business profit first certified profit first professional woman business coach woman entrepreneur women entrepreneur women in business Dec 15, 2022
Annette de Lancey Now A Profit First Certified Professional

It's your business. Your profit should come first!

I am not your typical business coach. I am a business strategist and a Certified Profit First Professional. But, not for every business. I love small business. I love manufacturing.   But I am crazy passionate about helping women product manufacturers grow, build, and scale their company profitably!  How did I get here? I have hands-on experience in guiding women-owned manufacturing companies to grow profitably, including my own, CastCoverz!, a rockin' fun, 14-year-old, 7-figure, job creating, Made-In-The-USA, profitable, manufacturing company.  

Through my years of manufacturing I learned a few things:

  • As a manufacturer we are creators. Creators of things. Creators of meeting our customer's needs. Creators of jobs. 
  • Manufacturing drives innovation and adds well-paid jobs to the economy
  • Manufacturing in the US is becoming revitalized so we are cool. 
  • Women in manufacturing are rare (and oh so very special)
  • Women manufacturers have limited resources compared to their male counterparts. And if they haven't broken through the 6-figure revenue barrier that makes them particularly vulnerable to bankruptcy, failure, or accepting mediocre results. 

CONFESSION: I was a REVENUE SNOB.  Meaning I was so focused about the top line revenue that I neglected the bottom line: my company's profit.  My uneducated snobbery and neglect led me to sleepless nights, desperate attempts at the "next big sale," and almost losing my business, twice.  That's when I found the world's leading business cash-flow management system, Profit First, and learned that REVENUE is a vanity metric. PROFIT is the metric my business deserved and ultimately what I needed.  Being profitable not only helps me determine my level of success but also gives me restful nights, more money in my pocket, and the satisfaction that I am creating a real, tangible asset.  As a result, I started spreading the news about the gains, the benefits, and the clarity of Profit First. That's when I decided I wanted to go "public" with my crush on Profit First. So, I went through the vigorous process of getting certified as a Profit First Professional (it isn't for the weak!). I have the strategies to make your business profitable and get you there much faster than I did!  And I am ready to do it with you! 

Want to learn more? Check out my "She Makes Products Profitably in 90 days" opportunity exclusively for women-owned manufacturing companies. I have 5 spots remaining in December. 

Let's get you on the path to profitability and have fun (yes, FUN!) doing it! 

Your Success, My Support

Annette de Lancey