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Have You Thanked Your Products?

business coach product business profit first certified woman business coach woman entrepreneur women entrepreneur women in business Dec 06, 2022
How to Show Thankfulness For Your Business

Thanksgiving is now in your memories and in your photos. I hope you were (ful)filled with food, fun, family, friends, and football. I also hope you were thanked by the people you love and you thanked the people you love. 

But, have you thought about thanking your product? I did! I am so thankful that my products (CastCoverz!) help my customers feel better, so they heal better. I am thankful that my product provides jobs. I am thankful I have a creative outlet (business is just as creative as cooking, painting, athletics, music, ....). I am thankful that my product is the type of product that can be manufactured in the USA. I am also so thankful I've created a company that allows me the freedom to take 2 afternoons off a week to help my daughter and develop a loving, fun relationship with my beloved toddler grandson. 

 How can you thank your product and your business? What will you say next year? Start planning now so you are full of thanks next Thanksgiving! 

Here are a few ways you can thank your product and your business:

  • Give back to your employees.
  • Give yourself a BREAK.
  • Reorganize your office so you have a clean workspace and clean headspace.
  • Thank your support team.
  • Thank your customers.

I love small businesses, I love manufacturing, and I love helping women succeed at both...and have fun doing it!